Somehow, due to either miss-information or a change it twitch’s apis, the web is filled with false information about livestreamer and downloading twitch replays. Lets fix that.
Livestreamer doesn’t save Twitch’s Past Broadcasts in an flv container.
Why does this matter? Because it means downloaded VODs are ready to play in Quicktime, or drop into Final Cut Pro without any transcoding whatsoever.
Here is how to download a past broadcast in **ONE **easy step:
livestreamer --http-header Client-ID=jzkbprff40iqj646a697cyrvl0zt2m6 best -o movie.m2ts
That is it. Notice the .m2ts, it is really important as Quicktime and FCPX actually check the extension and wont play it other-wise. Yes, Apple apps don’t even try to…